Friday, July 31, 2009

That didn't take long...

Well, I've submitted the link to my final class portfolio. It can be viewed here:

It has been an interesting semester, and a rather enjoyable class. I look forward to the Fall semester, but I'm very excited to have a short break. Now if you'll excuse me, I think I hear my pillow calling...

The Final Countdown!

I've been working on my final assignments for both classes this semester. I finished my GIS assignment earlier in the evening, and am now preparing to put the final touches on my LIS 2600 web page. I just hope that Dr. Tomer can access everything! I have an hour and 15 minutes left to complete this, which will be plenty of time. I'll post an update when everything is ready.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Last Week!

It's the last week of the Summer semester! I can't believe how quickly the past few months went. I have one final project for my GIS class, and of course, the web page for LIS 2600.

I had to dogsit this past weekend while my parents visited Boston. Taking care of three hyperactive dachshunds is an exhausting (but rewarding) experience. Needless to say, I did not find time to work on anything but my dog bathing techniques!

In other news, the Cumberland County Library System just gave its website a much-needed overhaul: Cumberland County Library System

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Caffeine Required to Post

After perusing my older posts, I finally, FINALLY realized that I kept calling Jing "Zing." I have no idea why. I blame my broken coffee maker and the subsequent caffeine withdrawal that goes along with Mr. Coffee's absence.

Tangent: I am a State employee, and the paycheck I'm receiving tomorrow is for $160. After that, I won't be receiving any pay until the budget is passed. With that said, donations are welcome! I even take Paypal!

Web Page Content

I just finished another project for my GIS class, and I'm now looking forward to the last assignment for LIS 2600. I have experience creating web pages, but I think I tend to underwhelm audiences. I rarely put multimedia on my pages, and I never use flashy banners or extraneous animated content. My goal for the final project is to keep things simple and professional. Nothing screams "amateur" like glittery fonts and disgustingly cute backgrounds!

Sunday, July 19, 2009

External Stylesheets

I just completed the CSS assignment for LIS 2600. It's been awhile since I last experimented with external stylesheets, so I had to refresh my memory with a few web searches on the subject. At first, I accidentally put all of the style information directly into my HTML page source code, instead of linking to my separate stylesheet. While it obviously worked, it wasn't what the assignment called for. So I merely copied the style information into my CSS file, saved both of them, and dragged the updated files into my Fetch FTP program. I can see the updated page here:

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Missing Fast Track Weekend

I had talked to Dr. Tomer during the Spring Fast Track weekend about not being able to attend the summer on-campus session. I'm actually somewhat depressed, because I love visiting the campus. I attended Pitt as an undergraduate, and it's nice going back for a visit every semester.

Originally, the dates of the Summer Fast Track weekend were July 10-12, so I had planned to be out of town on those days. Unfortunately, the on-campus session dates were changed for Cohort 8.5, so I'm unable to make the trip to Pittsburgh this weekend due to vacation plans that couldn't be rescheduled. Thankfully, I'm only missing LIS 2600's class, because my GIS class does not have an on-campus meeting this semester.

I'm very glad I had the opportunity to use Jing earlier in the semester, because I'm required to make an online presentation for my GIS class, LIS 2970. The assignment is to present a GIS related library website, database, or clearinghouse; demonstrate a tool within ArcGIS; or present the ArcGIS software in general. I just hope I can give a thorough explanation of the software and still remain within Jing's restrictive five minute time limit!